Bounce Blitz
Bounce Blitz:
A simple recreation of Breakout.
Download information:
1: Download the Bounce Blitz file, and all the other files. (Source code is optional)
2: Put all the files into the same folder.
3: Download the python installer from
4: Install python onto your system, and run the executable file.
How to play:
Move the paddle left and right to hit the ball back, and prevent it from going to the bottom of the screen. Try to get the ball to hit the blocks, and destroy them all to win.
If you ever get stuck in a loop press F to teleport the button to a random positon.
A: Move the paddle left.
D: Move the paddle right.
F: Teleport the paddle to a random position.
H: Enable hardcore mode. (While in main menu)
Enter: Start/continue the game.
Tab: Return to main menu.
Escape: Close the game