Your box planet has been invaded by the evil triangles, led by Lord Triangulard.
It is up to you, hero Chad Boxington, to liberate your lands and bring peace back.
Move Mouse - Move Camera
WSAD - Move Character
Right Mouse Button - Attack
E - Interact with NPCs
P- Pause the game
The game will not work on Mobiles.
The game contains memes, four-sided crops, an obnoxious voice-acting and some interesting jokes.
The game has been made by five people within four days for a University assignment. Although it is playable, the game does present some bugs, we apologize for the inconvenience.
The Team:
Producer: Rosie_Mable
Technical Lead: Peter Champion
Creative Lead: Joe McGrath
Artistic Lead: Tom Bradstreet
QA Lead and Sounds Designer: Tyler Streeter