Boxer Topper
Boxer Topper is an endless topper arcade mobile game created by GWD. The goal of the game is to get a highscore by stacking boxes and reaching your way to the top of the leaderboard.
CHALLENGE MODE: In challenge mode, you get to get more boxes by either getting the amount of boxes or your boxes stay alive under the time limit.
- Challenge 1, if you complete it, you get 50 boxes.
- Challenge 2, if you complete it, you get 75 boxes.
- Challenge 3, if you complete it, you get 100 boxes.
BOXER SHOPPER: You can even go to a shop called Boxer Shopper, where you can buy three things that are very important throughout the game.
Timestoppers - It allows you to freeze time throughout the round. If you fail, you lose it. It costs 100 boxes.
Doubler Degeneration - It allows you to get double points throughout the round, if you fail, you lose it. It costs 250 boxes.
Steam-Powered Shield (BEST POWERUP) - It protects you throughout the round, so you can only worry about the ground. If you fail, you lose it. It costs 500 boxes.
I'll update the game soon!
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