Entry for LD43
Breach Squad
A turn-based tactical game about forced house demolishing,
a violent action to take down buildings whose resident refused to move out in time.
Due to time limit, I couldn't provide too much tutorial infomation inside the game, so please read below.
How to play
Left mouse btn to select and issue command to units.
Right mouse btn to quit/cancel any selection state.
Drag to rotate the camera, mouse wheel to zoom in/out.
When selecting move position, click on the unit itself to stay.
When selecting attack target, click on the unit itself to rest, instead of performing any attack action.
The goal of each level is to destroy ALL the buildings that belongs to enemy.
You will lose if you lose all your units.
Combat Guide
Units has different battle classes, they have bonus against one another, like Rock-Paper-Sissor
BRUTE UNIT (Thug/Riot) >>> MEDIA UNIT(Gov, / Journalist) >>> LAW UNIT(Police/Lawyer) >>>> BRUTE UNIT
WORKER UNIT can only attack BUILDING
The number on unit indicate the HP and strength of that unit, meaning that a unit at lower HP will attack less efficiently.
Some terrain provide defensive buff or debuff for units standing on it.
The game concerns about the intense social conflict occurring in China,
where the eager real estate developers could not wait to get rid of the old residents of the land.
They conspired with local authorities and even hired thugs to drive the people out of their homes.
Lawyers and journalists volunteered to help. But they were suppressed as well.
In the cities, the powerless and the poor people were the sarcrifice of the fast urbanization and economical development.
In this game, player was the enforcer of such dirty jobs, a link in the chain of greater grey business.
More on this topic:
FIX BUG Top left turn number UI
Unit facing when move and attack
Unit battle hint in the unit card UI
I (Guoboism) am the only team member
Music and sound are found on sites like opengameart.
Voxel model and 2D stuff are created during the game jam.