Breakout (itch) (Ben.Farris)
Breakout was created using Unity's Breakout tutorial.
The game is used using the left and right arrow keys to move the paddle left and right. To launch the ball, click in the game window, you can also move the ball and paddle with the arrow keys, BEFORE you launch the ball to get the angle at which you want to shot. Note: The ball will always launch at about a 45 degree angle to the right. In this game you have 3 lives.
In order to win, you must hit all of the bricks with the ball by having it bounce off of the paddle and walls. You have as many hits as you want, but if the ball hits the ground below the paddle, you lose a life and get to keep going. When you run out of lives, your game will automatically restart with all the bricks back in their original position.
Have fun and I hope you enjoy.