Brendon's Underwater Hockey
Brendon's Underwater Hockey:
Brendon's Underwater Hockey is a multiplayer game where players hit a hockey puck back and forth until one player manages to get past their opponent. First to seven points wins!
Player 1 Up: q
Player 1 Down: z
Player 2 Up: o or left mouse button
Player 2 Down: n or right mouse button
Start Match: Enter
Made by: Vincent Tulleners
Music by: Snabisch
System Requirements:
Operating System - Windows 7/8/10 or above, Ubuntu 13.0 or above, Mac OS X 10.7.3 (Lion) or above
Hard Disk Space: 22 MB
RAM: 512MB
Graphics Card: Software emulated or Internal Graphics
Software Dependencies: Java Runtime Environment 8 (JRE) or above
How to install:
Move the application "jar" file to a preferred location on disk.
How to run:
Double click the "Brendon's Underwater Hockey.jar" file.
Problem: Game does not start.
Solution: JRE 8 is not installed. Install JRE 8 or above.