Broadside (itch) (plasmastarfish, superduperpacman42)
A turn-based pirate ship dueling game, made in Java in 48 hours for Global Game Jam 2019. Requires Java to run!
How to Play:
- Use the arrow keys to move. It's a ship, so you can't do a 180 degree turn!Fire your cannons at enemy ships to complete the level.
- You can only fire a cannon if it has been loaded.
- You can buy upgrades from the shop menu, although it's pretty broken.
- If the game breaks and you end up seeing the map and a level at the same time, you won! We ran out of time to program that part. Enjoy!
Paul Nadan (@superduperpacman42): Code
Nate Sampo: Code, Interface
Daniel Alhadeff: "Code", Level Design
Nathaniel Tan: Art, Animation, Sound Effects
Jeremy Ryan (@plasmastarfish): Art, Animation, Music
Max Wei: Interface