Red team's goal is to capture objectives and blue team's goal is to defend them until time runs out. There are 3 game phases, in the first phase red team has to capture any 2 objectives, in the second phase they must capture both, and in the final phase they must capture one last objective.
Each team has 4 unique classes each with different stats and a special ability.
Controls: WASD to move, mouse to aim, left click to shoot, right click to zoom, shift to run, space to dodge, and Q/E to activate your ability.
The large bar with a number is your health, the bar above it is your energy (used for running, dodging, and ammo) and the bar below your health is for your ability. If they are full, they won't show.
This is my submission for the two games jam ( the theme being to make 2 games in one. Heroic red is the first game, which is offense based, and Honorable blue is the second game, which is defense based.