Once an archangel was bored, so he decided to gather the greatest warriors of all time and made them fight to the death. When other angels heard of the newest gambling game in heaven their reaction was unanimous: “Bruhh!”. The player chooses a homie to play with and is placed in an arena with one or more players/bots. Using surrounding objects as weapons, they will battle each other to achieve the game mode’s objective. Each homie has a light and heavy attack, defend, parry, grab, throw, jump, and roll actions. Getting hit increases the ragdoll factor until it can't move therefore being considered defeated or losing one life stock.
Features:- Ragdoll - All characters are physics-based
- Free-for-all - Be the last one to survive
- Mechanics - Punch, kick, grab and throw enemies as you like
Team:Game in development by Doomers Inc, a development team composed by students.
Guilherme Saturno - Lead Game Designer & Project Manager
Lucas Viana - Gameplay Programmer
Pedro Inácio - Systems Programmer
Rita Saraiva - Lead Game Artist