Bubble up! (Leo Red)
# Bubble_up!
Bubble up was made for the brakeys game jam 2021.1
By Midhil (Leo_red)
This is a game were you are a circle (bubble as I like to call it) and you are in a endless world, were loots and parts drop (Out of no where). You can use the scroll wheel or "f" and "g" to zoom in and out.You start with a core (Which is lime green). You can move around by using "WASD" or the arrow keys.
You can collect parts by touching them or coming close to them. They will attach to you (Like what bubbles do). There are currently 5 types of parts, normal (plain light grey give normal protection for for increasing your size or for fun), shooter(plain grey with blue attachment and can shoot blue progectiles), defender (plain grey with brown outer sheild and has more heath), bomb shooter (plain grey with a red core and a blue attachment and can shoot bomb progectiles), thruster (Big red attachment that can increase your speed).
You can rotate your whole body (even the attached parts) using "c" and "v" to perfectly choose where you want to attach a part so that you can plan your defence and attack stratagy as you will definitely need it. As, there are enemies roaming around, who are also collecting parts. And if you come close to them, they will follow you. Only if they are stronger than you or close to your stength (depends according to the attached parts). You can see your strength near the top-left of the screen. You can use the shooter and bomb shooter to shoot the enemies and destroy there parts (Decrease health and different types of parts have different health) and get to the enemy core and shoot it 5 times to kill it (Same applies to you too... So, be careful and try to defend your core all around).
You are now ready to play the game. But, if you want a edge on the game, maybe read the whole thing (it is really short). If you have any doubts there is a short "how to" in the game (if I didn't forget to add it).
### Controls:
move around: WASD or arrow keys
rotate the player: c and v
zoom in and out: mouse scroll or f and g
Shoot: press the mouse where you want to shoot
### Player core:
Health: 5
Strength: 10
Your core. if broken, you die
### Enemy core:
Health: 5
Strength: 0
The enemies core. if broken, it dies
### More about the parts:
#### Normal:
Health: 5
Strength : 1
Used for making you bigger or to just you them as scafoldings
#### Shooter
Health: 5
Strength: 2
Damage: 3
Can be use to shoot the enemies or to lag the game
#### Defender:
Health: 10
Strength: 3
Can be use to defend yourself
#### Shooter bomb:
Heath: 5
Strength: 2
Damage: 3
Can shoot mini bombs at enemies and also lag the game
#### Thruster:
Health: 5
Strength: 2
Can make you go faster or go at light speed and crash the game