Build To Survive
In Build To Survive you literally build to survive. In this game you build a shelter against the meteors. The only two problems are, that you have 30 seconds to build a shelter, and you need to build your shelter in the border. Luckily for you that your best friend is dropping some supplies out of a cargo plane.
In Build To Survive you have 3 different modes: waves, normal and sandbox. Waves: You need to survive as many rounds as possible. Normal: You need to survive against the meteor. Sandbox: You can do whatever you want to do. You can build a strong, pretty or big shelter. In each mode are 7 different levels. Every level is themed by a material. In Build To Survive you have 30+ objects. The nice part about this game is that you can decide wich object/Material you want to see in the game. Keep in mind that Build To Survive is an early acces game and will be updated ones in a while. This game is available for: Windows, Mac.
1. You have over 30+ objects.
2. 3 different modes: Normal, Waves, Sandbox (+ Toturial).
3. 7 different levels.
4. Every level is themed by a material.
5. Every round takes about 1 minute.
5. There is a repair system.
6. You can grab/release the objects.
7. There is Builders mode: with builders mode you can see how much health an object has.
8. Boundary: After 30 seconds you need to be in the boundary.
9. You can decide wich object/material you want to see in the upcomming update.
Q: Can I record a video about your game?
A: Yes I would love to see your videos.
Q: How long will it take before the next update will come out?
A: I am always working on my game when I have some spare time. But keep in mind that I have school and homework. The game will be updated every one or two weeks.
Q: Will the game come out for Linux?
A: I am currently not planning on making the game for Linux, but if u guys want the game for Linux I can fix that for u.
Q: What are you posting on your social media (Youtube, Twitch, Discord).
A: On Youtube I am going to post updates or trailers (for the upcomming updates). On Twitch I am going to build my game live with you guys. On Discord I am going to post Sneak Peaks of the upcomming updats
Movement: W,A,S,D
Jump: Space
Crouch: Left Ctrl
Pick Up: F
Drop: Right Mouse Button
Flashlight: G
Builders Mode: B
Pause: Tab