Bull in a Gun Fight
Bull in a Gun Fight is a game about pairing two random objects against each other and seeing which one wins in a fight.
Our team:
- whizzer "whizzer0" zero, designer, director and backend coder
- Darien "xterminareret" Sokolov, frontend coder and original comic picker
- Matthew "Sir Draws" Savidis, artist and animator responsible for an upcoming epic battle
- Ethan "Lost Phases" Duys, musician extraordinaire and object suggester
- Plus a little help from Terzalo, except he hasn't really done anything
Listen to the original soundtrack by Ethan Duys:
Check out how the game's art was drawn by Matthew Savidis:
See what the game was based on - this comic by Randall Munroe:
Watch other people playing our game so you don't have to: