Bullet Hell
Bullet-Hell is a Bullet Hell Space Shooter.
The idea is to explore the genre and discover ways to create content quickly and efficiently until February 28th 2017.
Gifscreens: link
Source Code: link
### Inspirations ###
Touhou Project
Warning Forever
### Challenges ###
* Moving hundreds of objects on screen simultaneously in an efficient way
* Finish it until February 28th 2017
* Creating interesting and challenging boss designs
* Creating content quickly
### Controls ###
### Ships ###
Ace Fighter Ship
Mobility is King.
Can shoot in all directions while facing any direction.
Good Old Francis
Shoots where it is looking.
If it sees t, it shoots it!
Can lock rotation of the ship, for dodgy situations.
Boring Betsy
No fancy spinnings.
Proudly always looking up and shooting always straight up.
Old shcool.
### Features Implemented ###
* Different player ships, with different features
* Multiple input (keyboard and Joystick)
* Achievement System
* Player specials + Special bar
* Player absorbing bullets from the same type as his
* Different Types of energy : Metal, Electric, Plasma and Soul
* Player skins for each energy
* Weapons for each energy
* Bullet Clear
* Modular bosses
* Bullet spread patterns
* Dual Analog stick inputs
* Camera Shake
### Features Considered ###
* Power Ups
* Level Up System
* Story Mode
* Boss Generation
* Multiplayer
* Bonus Levels
### Features Abandonned ###
* Specials for each Energy (too much information for the player to assimilate)