Bullet Rain (Skyllartor)
This is a game made for 3 jams simultaneously. I didn't manage to finish it, but all mechanics where there in some respect. I'll be continuing to develop the game for the other 2 jams and will leave this 3 hour version uploaded here. Once the project is complete for the other 2 jams I will release a "making of" video on my Youtube channel.
Trijam #116, Weekly Game Jam 197 & Bullet Hell Jam 2021.
All themes combined where:
- Bullet Hell
- 10 seconds
- Delivery
- Stay there, Don't move!
- And of course to develop it in 3 hours.
The theme for this jam is "Stay there, Don't move!". This sadly isn't represented in this build, but the idea is that the player has an apartment, lost their job, but they want to stay there and don't want to move, so they take up a job as a courier and the points represented at the top right is money earned for making correct deliveries, and of course that money will go towards paying your rent.