Bunny Party
Bunny Party is a casual, retro, Gameboy-style top-down 2D game developed for the Design Buddies Game Jam (Dec 16-23 2020). With the help of the community, Bunny will collect items needed to throw the best birthday party for Bunny's friend!
Abena OA
Eve CM
Zarema R
To start the game, press "Enter" and select new game with "Alt", Z" or "J" keys. Interact with residents of BunnyTown via "Alt" "Z" "J" keys. View your to-do/quest list via "Enter" "Shift", "Control", "K" or "X" keys.
Source Info:
The game was built using GBStudio by Chris Maltby ( https://www.gbstudio.dev/ ). Credits can be viewed in the .txt file