Buoy Deploy

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This is a game that I created using PuzzleScript for IMS 445 at Miami University. The game is a simple arcade-style game.

The year is 1730 and you’re the captain of the HMS Oceanic. Your majesty and kingdom have just  made a deal with the French to place primitive dad-gathering buoys in different coves throughout  the English Channel. These buoys will be used to gather weather information important to  research in war-ship design over the next few decades. However, the buoys will need to be  placed in dangerous areas populated by nothing more than mines and kraken-like octopi. You,  the captain of the HMS Oceanic is tasked with pushing these buoys into place throughout the  Channel. Each mission will be met with challenges navigating the tight passages of the coves or  deploying buoys in octopi-infested waters. There are extra buoys in some areas so don’t be  afraid to ram the mines with them; just make sure you have enough left to complete the mission!  The octopi are only dangerous if you get caught in their tentacles, SO BE CAREFUL. Good luck,  and fair seas Captain. 

Release date
Breton Ballas
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Buoy Deploy screenshot, image №1217957 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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