Burn Notice
A mysterious forest fire, a brave firefighter, a small story about a great destiny.
Travel with us to Whitewillow Creek and discover the mysteries in this interactive novel.
You control Davis, a young firefighter that receives a distress call about a mysterious forest fire.
What you do from there, is entirely up to you.
- Dozens of different endings
- Simple interface, can be played with just the mouse
- Dyslexic typeface support
The game has a lot of different endings, can you find them all?
- VICTORY ending
- 'Murica! ending
- Master Chef ending
- Michel Lotito ending
- True gamer ending
- Anger issues ending
- Human snackrifice ending
- Couch Potato ending
- Crispy ending
- Procrastinator ending
- That again? ending
- Helping Hand ending
- Second Amendment ending
- Run Davis Run ending
Made for the Nordic Game Jam 2019.
Theme: That Again!
Made by: Nils + Jill + Sebastian + Romano
Team Name: Very Tall Garden Gnomes