Busy Bee (alexhlocke)
Busy Bee is an retro style arcade game made on the Pico8 console for the 2022 Game Off game jam.
Github Repo
Busy Bee
The theme of the 2022 Game Off game jam was cliche, and the cliche I chose to build my game off of was "Busy as a Bee". In this game, you play as a bee who must work tirelessly to pollenate the environment. The objective is to collect the most flowers and pollenate as many times as you can without getting disrupted by those pesky birds.
ControlsArrow Keys - Move left and right
X - Fly up
How to PlayCollect flowers when they spawn on the ground and then rise to the top of the screen to pollenate and add to your score. Avoid hitting passing birds on your way as they will one hit KO you! The amount of birds will increase with your score as well
All assets, art, music, and code is my own
Everything made in Pico8