C Memory Test App
This is a memory test app. You can play with this app to allocate memory and drag and drop files into the window to see how it files fill the memory up.
In this application you can:
- Clear the whole memory and delete individual blocks (or clicking the delete button).
- Use arrow keys to change memory blocks back and forward.
- View images and play audio when a memory block is clicked on.
Currently supported image / audio fomats are:
- png
- jpg
- gif (does not animate)
- ogg
- wav
- mp3
There are still some bugs, like the memory block text not rendering properly if more than two thin blocks are next to each other.
If a file can't be put into memory it will silently fail and not give any feedback.
This application uses raylib and is release under the MIT licence. You can find the source code here: https://github.com/9D-Tony/MemoryApp