Cage Fight
(Online multiplayer up to 8 players)
Dino Likić2D artErik MansénprogrammingMarkus GrejerRoman consultantThea Carlqvistprogramming
Join the Arena and get to the center to gain wealth and watch your enemy army disappear!
This game will last for three turns. Each turn looks like this: 1) Shop new monsters.You can buy as many as your bank will allow. You can arrange their formation by dragging them using your mouse around the spawning grid.
2) Fight with your monsters.Or more like, let them fight for you as this is an auto battler.
Get emotional as you see mayhem unfold. Maybe all your units died. Maybe some survived and are getting ridiculously faster. Maybe you forgot to buy units and are happy to find out that you gained some money to spend on better monsters next turn.
Dino Likić2D artErik MansénprogrammingMarkus GrejerRoman consultantThea Carlqvistprogramming
with assistance from