Candy Monster(TM) Keychain
Help a once-abandoned Candy Monster(TM) come to terms with its existence after weathering the storm of a life with a negligent owner.
My Mon BonBon, existential crisis Tamagotchi!
Candy Monster(TM) Keychains were once the ultimate digital pet, but time has not been kind to the creatures left behind. There is always a last day you fed and cared for your Candy Monster(TM), and for BonBon it was before it even had a chance to truly connect with its companion. Its life was a tempest and you find My Mon BonBon after the storm... Care for it, teach it to love, and maybe, just maybe, help it find a way to move beyond its turbulent past.
Try interacting with BonBon as an egg to unlock Story Mode...
Cory Rupert - Game Designer, Artist, Programmer
Gregory Blomquist - Game Designer, Writer, Audio