Captain on the Bridge

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Explore deep space, fight pirates, and be the captain that your starship needs!

This game is controlled by mouse. Start by selecting your preferred starship and click the unexplored space deck (on the bottom left) to draw the first card in your adventure.

Cards can be either items (e.g. weapons for your ship) that you can choose to take and install, characters/events where you can decide how your journey continues, or encounters with enemy ships where the only way forward is through battle.

The game ends when you have explored the entire universe (the space deck is empty) or your starship ran out of hitpoints.

Battles happen in turns:

  • Roll dice for yourself
  • Place dice on weapons and use them
  • End your turn
  • Roll dice for enemy ship
  • Activate the incoming attack to end enemy turn

You first get to roll 3 dice and plan your attack. Choose which dice to use to power weapons of your choosing. To use a dice, select it (left mouse button) and click the dice slot on the weapon that you want to use. Some weapons require specific dice (3+ for example requires a 3, 4, 5 or 6, and a weapon marked with "odd" will only take 1, 3 or 5), some require more than one dice to be used, and others take multiple turns to charge up.

Once all dice requirements are met, the "Use" button will activate and you can launch your attack. Once you have used up all of your dice (or there are no weapons available to use with your particular roll), you click "End turn".

On the enemy turn, you have to roll a single dice to determine the enemy action. 

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Captain on the Bridge screenshot, image №2817354 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Apr 30, 2021

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