C.A.S.T (Combative Aspects Solution & Tactics)

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C.A.S.T is a 2D fighter inspired by Super Smash Bros. and Magicka. This mix might sounds strange but in practice it works out to be quite the fun couch fighter.

CAST can be played with either an game-pad controller or keyboard... or both at the same time. You can have up to 4 players at any one time.

Currently, the maps and spells are in development and you will encounter a couple of bugs hear and there. This game is in development but is on a much slower cycle then some of our other titles. If you find any issues please let us know! There will be game breaking bugs where you might have to reset the game to get it going again. We are sorry for any inconveniences this may cause!

If you enjoy the game-play and want to play more of it, you can head over to our Steam Page and wishlist it there. This will let us know that there is an actual want for this game. You can also leave a comment here on itch!

This description will expand as time goes on and we will add more content to both this page and the game in the coming future!

Release date
Sun Dryd Studios
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jul 31, 2020

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