CAT Interstellar reviews

A small thing that doesn't really seem to say much, but it doesn't ask much money or time either.
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Microsoft from French
Early access review small game in early access which is well friendly and worth a visit. Take it, you really have to enjoy this game. It is not very long but the graphics are superb, and the controls nice, it is a game really not take a head, when you play it is relaxed. In short I do not have to epilogue on it, you will understand that this game is great and that you miss something if you do not take it!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review No Idea. It makes Entertainment for an Hour, do we know that more? But even if, it would probably represent such a kind of Portal, only without real Puzzles. Probably the Space is simply provided for Those Interested, now we should probably do the Thing and give Money. At the Moment, though, is quite meagre and seems bit like a Chinakopia, who gets the picks double. Believe there will also be nothing more out of It, the Curiosity because the Game is there. If that were "only" now so, in time the Gaming Industry would take hurt.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review From Concept Point of view, this can be a very nice Game. At the Moment, though, it's not even a Game. More of a short DEMO, what it can become once. After an Hour there is nothing left to do and one wonders briefly if the Experience was now really worth the few Euros. NO, it wasn't. Dear Steam team, somewhere the Sale of half-finished Games must have Limits! CAT Interstellar Is playable, but without any Content and therefore not really a Game. More than the Designation DEMO IS not justified here, just as a Price of more than EUR 0.00 Is, in my Opinion, simply cheeky.
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Microsoft from French
CAT interstellar is a fairly sober game, which will try to tell you an almost silent story and subject to be based on what you imagine of the different events. You are a "dog" robot that will serve to help different androids in their tasks on a mysterious planet (Mars most certainly) by navigating and exploring the base where you can find some Easter eggs in the catchy and expansive scenery. The last chapter gives you control to a cat (I confess I cracked on this level < 3 chats) where you will finally discover another element on Earth this time. Certainly the game is very very short (1h30 to 2H at most) but offers a nice and unusual experience where your imagination shapes the story, the price perhaps a little ridiculous remains correct for what is proposed, moreover that we will help a team of humble developers, or you can get it for little since this game was sold on humble bundle at the price of €0.01 opportunity that I grabbed and that took me 2H pleasant. I recommend!