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Cat President ~A More Purrfect Union~

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Find love, in a world where cats run the U.S. government!

You're just an ordinary teen girl looking for work after your college dreams didn't quite pan out. But when you get lost backstage during a national debate, you find so much more: a bunch of talking cats who are running for President. And that's not even the weird part—they all want to hire YOU as a campaign manager!

Can you handle the world of Presidential politics? Do you even know what a campaign manager does? Will you find love with your candidate in order to form...a more purrfect union?

With a script that's over 350 pages long, Cat President is a visual novel packed full of romance, humor and cute pictures of cats. Cast your vote today!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Why are cats running for President?

A: Twenty years ago, America's political system became so corrupt that it almost destroyed the entire country. In order to prevent the nation's collapse, the Supreme Court was forced to ban all humans from politics. Cats were the natural replacement.

Q: Is it true that cats simplified the political process?

A: Yes! Instead of having a long, drawn-out nomination system, they only have primaries in three states: Meowa, New Clawshire, and South Catolina. In addition, the Democat and the Repawblican political parties have been eliminated and replaced by the Fancy Furballs and the Sharpclaws.

Q: What gorgeous cats can the main character fall in love with?

A: There are six main storylines in this game, one for each candidate.
  • Kale is a great candidate, but he has a hard time standing out from the others. You need to help him get out of last place! Or will your rival Bernice beat you to the punch?

  • Dr. Nom-Noms is the nicest candidate, even if he doesn't have any political experience. You'll have to be careful if you go with Dr. Nom-Noms, because your impulsive best friend has a huge crush on him!

  • The meanest politician in the group is Thunderpaw, who has clawed his way to the top by insulting all of his opponents. Can you tame this wild cat, or will he treat you like his own personal litter box?

  • You'll have to watch yourself around Frisky! He's a huge flirt, and he's not afraid to rub himself up against your legs whenever he feels like it!

  • DJ Nibbles is an enthusiastic kitten, who has the bad habit of running into dangerous situations. You need to figure out how to get him to focus on the campaign!

  • There's something different about Rover, but it's hard to say exactly what. Maybe it's the way he barks at mailmen or chases his tail? You hardly ever see the other cats doing that...
Release date
Oh, a Rock! Studios
Oh, a Rock! Studios
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Mac OS 10.4
  • Processor: 1Ghz
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Storage: 400 MB available space

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP or higher
  • Processor: 1Ghz
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX or OpenGL compatible card
  • Storage: 400 MB available space

System requirements for Linux

  • Processor: 1 Ghz
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Storage: 400 MB available space
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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The Average Joe Cat
Complete any ending in Rover's pathway.
The Flirty One
Complete any ending in Frisky's pathway.
Furrever Alone
Don't stand in the way of Lizzy's love life.
The Mature One
Complete any ending in Dr. Nom-Noms' pathway.
Meet the Developers!
Find characters portrayed by the writer and the programmer.
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Cat President ~A More Purrfect Union~ reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
I didn't play Any visual novel before, but I couldn't pass by the "Cat-president". The Plot is simple: At some point people realized that all politicians, having reached power, sooner or later become corrupted. Even the president with the most honest eyes, after a few years of government for some reason begins to build not schools and hospitals for the population, and chic houses for themselves, and their ducks. Also, the people-Presidents have bad memory, and therefore very quickly forgotten promises to bring the economy of his country in the top five. Instead, close friends and associates are displayed in the top five. Well, and so on on the list. In General, people-politicians in this regard are too unreliable, and therefore it is decided that politicians should be cats. The Cat will not take kickbacks for the construction of an unnecessary bridge, and the bridge itself will not be built. Most Likely, the cat will not do anything at all, because he has a legs. Actually, we help to lead a presidential company to one of these cats (we choose the cat). Plus in the game there is a cunning dog, who disguised as a cat, also trying to come to power. The Cunning dog, apparently, represents the Communist Party. In General, the game is beautiful. It Remains only to wait, when our country is headed by Cat Boris, from advertising Kiteketa.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Product received for free People are too unreliable, so the policy is now allowed only cats! Cat President-A typical visual novel with a very original setting. We have to become the manager of the presidential company of one of the six seals-candidates. Each of them is endowed with their own set of personal qualities, just like real people. Among the qualities are character, goals, entourage in speeches to the general public and others. For this reason, each of the story companies, having 3 endings, has its own color and is remembered by something of its own. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=767034617 If Other novellas are diluted with Kiskami, then in this only cat. Unfortunately, on interesting entourage and ideological performance the pros of the "Seal-President" end. Novella is saturated with English text, read which after ~ hour becomes just tedious and banal annoying. The Large space for choice, except for the main fork, is not provided, and the visual content of the game is made exclusively static pictures. Often occurring black screens are so completely depressed. Oh yes, without knowledge of English at a good level here to do nothing at all. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=783163064 is Accompanied by the reading of the text by three repeating compositions. Fortunately, they change depending on the situation, which creates a small dynamic. However, you still will not be able to change the volume of the sound, as well as all other parameters of the game. The settings Menu is simply absent. The Usual interface of the novels you will not find here, you have to save through the pause menu in the right corner of the screen. Laifhak: To stretch the full screen window, just pull the edge of the game;) The game has a lot of flaws, which no one will be corrected, and its only advantage is an unusual setting. If there was a chance to put the game on the score exactly between the thumbs "Up" and "down", I would have done so. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=841864014
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