Average Playtime: 2 hours

Catacomb Kids

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The Origin Of Dungeons500 Years ago the demon sorceress Abys was sealed away beneath her fortress by 4 legendary heroes and a 5th forgotten one. Over time, no longer held stable by Abys' magic, the fortress sank into the earth, becoming a haven for foul creatures, dark magicks, and the refuse of the Over-World. The fortress, now deep beneath the earth, became known as The Catacombs, and kids from all over found themselves drawn into its shadows - seeking riches, power, knowledge, and escape. Now, coming-of-age ceremonies and criminal sentences alike all revolve around plumbing the depths of The Catacombs, and the legend of Abys has been all but forgotten. Some say she yet sleeps in the dark below, the seals that keep her contained growing ever-weaker.What Lies BeneathCatacomb Kids is a procedurally generated platformer, with an equal emphasis on quick reactions, tactical engagement, and strategic character growth. Wield swords, spears, axes, and daggers -- unleash powerful magicks to burn, freeze and poison foes with -- overcome traps and beasts both deadly and unrelenting.

The game is streamlined but not "simple", featuring a system where basic elements interact to create complex outcomes and stories. Lure monsters into combat with one another or take advantage of environmental hazards to trick your foes into their own bloody demise. The world is your crafting space, allowing you to create new items and tools from within the game-space itself, never needing to farm materials or navigate a menu to demonstrate your cleverness.
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System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
  • Processor: 1.2GHz processor
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: 256MB
  • Storage: 100 MB available space

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Ubuntu 14 or above
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: OpenGL-capable graphics card with valid driver
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Catacomb Kids reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review I can't recommend this Game to anyone who doesn't want to wait Years for the finished Version. Bold it over a Year ago to support the Developer and there was the Game at Version 0.0.14 Now, about a Year later, it's at 0.0.16 and it's done alarmingly little for a Year. I'm already slowly doubting I'll ever get to See the finished Game. Which is a real shame, because it made really fun for an Early access game. Conclusion: Buy the Game only if you can be satisfied with a Game that will probably take a few more Years. Otherwise, the Money can be spent better.
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Microsoft from French
Early access review is the first random card rogue that I find playable. But the catch in hand is difficult to know all the traps hidden here, this way. There are many interactive elements that can help you to trigger traps at distances. With the State of health that decreases over time, it increases survival techniques and I like it very much. The only two problems are that there are rare, irreversible traps that are difficult to circumvent. And the other, although I begin to master the techniques of survival, I do not go far in the catacombs. It's worse my personal does not have 5 basic life point. There are 3 character classes at the beginning that are all interesting but I prefer magicians anyway. There are even 3 other classes to unlock, I look forward!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review A Pearl! I usually only buy my Games when they are reduced, but on this one I was really hot. After it was a few Months on my Wish List, I then struck on a Whim ... And never regrets it. Don't feel Like writing really, there are already enough Reviews here and the Trailers are also Top-notch. Just Give it a try and if you don't like it, you can request a Refund from Steam if you haven't played more than 2h: help.steampowered.com. In any Case, it is already a Hammer Game, although it is still very early in early access. Admittedly, the Developer is not the fastest of all, but: He makes an Effort, is transparent, close to the Community and works rather slowly, but steadily, as I said. Have no Doubts that the Game will be gloriously brought to a close. Give it to you!
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Microsoft from French
Early access review this game is simply a bead, being a fan of rogue like, I recommend small jewelry that mixes with elegance some side bit them all, RPG and rogue like. Rather stable for an alpha, you will put some time before you have enough skill to make interesting parts. Catacomb kids punished as much as it rewards, since most of your games will end cruelly, but that from time to time you will exceed your record. In any case, whether your game is short or lasts, you will not get tired of trying new techniques, new combinations... Although a wiki exists and it gives some considerable knowledge, we can choose different strategies as we descend into the dongeon. In some words, whether you tend to be a warrior or that you would predict to be a magician, and as long as you are persistent, you will find your happiness without being obliged to make long parts...
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