Catalyst (M)
The God of Hunt, Yaya, has been losing popularity amongst the people and needs to gain followers lest he cease to exist. To do so, he sets out to do what anybody might expect of a hunting god: lead what few followers he has left to lands inhabited by the most legendary of beasts and defeat them to claim their treasures. Along the way, he must convert travelers to bolster his house and prove himself a worthy god after all.
Controls WASDmoveSpacejumpLeft clickattack / fire (only when followers are on back)Right click (hold)aimQtoggle followers on backFspecial (unique to current form)Number keystransform (when available) About the ProjectThis prototype was a project for a college class that was pitched by me (@steakfish) then developed with the help of a team (listed below). A GDD for Catalyst exists, however it's unlikely that it will continue forward in its current state with the same team. Maybe in the future elements of it will come through in another game.
Note that this is very short and unstructured as most of the work went into making the GDD. The goal here was to make something that was aesthetically pleasing. Also, it was made on high-end systems to run on other high-end systems - sorry if it lags out for you.
GOD DEER (the team):
Marina Pimentel
Jenny Luu
Jesse Toyota
Joshua Bresler