Catch The LETTER
Do you remember what it was like to write an SMS on an old mobile phone? Pressing the same key several times until you skipped the letter? This game is similar. You have to write the letter in one of the lanes, but be careful, as you score points the game goes faster and faster.
ControlsUsing a mimic of Nokia 3310 keyboard, the default keys are: 1 (or / in num key) as Cancel, 2 (or * in num key) as OK, 3 (or + in num key) as Down arrow, 4 (or - in num key) as Up arrow, W (or 8 in num key) as 2 (a, b, c letters), E (or 9 in num key) as 3 (d, e, f letters), A (or 4 in num key) as 4 (g, h, i letters), S (or 5 in num key) as 5 (j, k, l letters), D (or 6 in num key) as 6 (m, n, o letters), Z (or 1 in num key) as 7 (p, q, r, s letters), X (or 2 in num key) as 8 (t, u, v letters) and C (or 3 in num key) as 9 (w, x, y, z letters).
Note: as the numeric keypad of a keyboard is the opposite of that of a nokia, it has been preferred to reverse it.
Note 2: escape, arrows, intro and backslash keys also works in this game.