Cats Vs Llamas
In AD2019 War was beginning.
We get signal.
Some crazy bastard in some lab somewhere, thought it would be a good idea to give conscious thought to the two cutest animals on the planet, Cats and Llamas. In order to do so, he had to clone the animals with a device that brought a new copy to life with sentient thought. Well, clearly this was a bad idea. They stole the device used to give them conscious thought and began making clones of themselves. But it wouldn't be without an argument bursting out over who's cuter, Cats or Llamas?
The Cats and the Llamas began to battle over who owns the cloning devices.
You get to chose which one wins.
The controls are simple. click and highlight the clones you wish to direct, and then select where you want them to go. Done. They're sentient, so they'll know what to do when they get there.