Chance Encounter (TheLittleTrooper)
----- Controls -----
Left click to interact
Mouse Wheel to zoom in/out
Hold Right click to pan camera
----- How to Play -----
Defeat the vile enemies heading toward Ye Olde Orphanage. Survive each wave by using strategically placed heroes to combat.
Choose your heroes and set them up for victory! Each hero has unique skills to help you defeat the enemy scum marching towards the Orphanage. But beware, a hero's attack power is uncertain! Random attack power and enemy health means no battle will be the same.
You are rewarded for each enemy slain. These rewards can help you build your defenses by enlisting new heroes between enemy waves. Be quick! If the enemy makes it past your defenses, you lose health equal to their remaining health.
Remember, there's always something bigger lurking around the corner, so best prepare in case something follows in previous footsteps...
----- HEROES -----
HeroDescriptionDamageAttack TimeRangeTiefling ArcherLow hit points, fast shots, long range1-21.5 sec5Elven MageMedium hit points, medium speed, medium range2-32 sec3BoarbarianHigh hit points, slow speed, short range4-53 sec1
----- Credits -----
Concept: Firelight, ResentedCow, and TheLittleTrooper
Game Design: ResentedCow
Programming: TheLittleTrooper
Art: Firelight
Audio: Windows XP