Chaos Invaders
Chaos Invaders is a small game realized for the Brakeys game jam 2021. It is done with Unity 2020.3 and some other free software.
Move your ship at the bottom of the screen. You have only a single ship.
Shoot with the main fire button (Space by default) to kill the aliens. Only one projectile at time is allowed.
Aliens, when hit, will split in 2 smaller aliens. After 4 hits they will disappear.
If an alien will touch the ship, it will be destroyed and the ship will lose some health Aliens start following the classic Space Invaders pattern, but will get quite chaotic after a small wile because of all the physics.
Use the secondary fire button to shoot a big blast that will destroy half of the aliens. The defenses on the screen will destroy one time the aliens touching them. They are not regenerated in the next level, you need to buy them in the shop.
When all the aliens are destroyed you win the level.
If the ship has no more health you will lose the game.
Collect the coins the aliens will drop. They can be used in the shop that is available at the end of each level.
Enjoy the game!