Chaotic Space (MigDev)
Made for the Brackeys Game Jam 2021.2, Chaotic Space is an Epic Top Down Shooter Inspired by games like pew pew. I made the game 4 out of the 7 days of the jam.
You (The Player) are sent on a mission to destroy Alien ships that are causing Chaos in Space.
Other than the "story", this game fits the theme of the jam as it is quite chaotic, and becomes more chaotic the longer you play.
I had alot of fun making this game and I would definitely continue to make this game if I had more time. But if the game is received well and Brackeys himself comments on the game I will continue making it.
Best Played In Full Screen Mode with Headphones.
How to Play:Destroy as many of the Alien Ships as Possible.
Survive as long as possible (You have 3 lives).
You have limited ammo that will automatically reload after you have used it all.
Move with the WASD keys.
Aim With a mouse and Fire with the Left Mouse Button.
Survive 4 waves of enemies:
Wave 1 Finishes Once 15 Alien Ships are Destroyed.
Wave 2 Finishes Once 40 Alien Ships are Destroyed.
Wave 3 Finishes Once 75 Alien Ships are Destroyed.
Wave 4 Finishes Once 125 Alien Ships are Destroyed and you win the game! (Congrats! if you manage to do this, It is extremely difficult.)
Note: The game may crash once you reach the end (125). Just reload your browser if you want to play again.
Credits:I made this game myself.
Most Code was made by me with the exception of part of the wave spawner script which I obtained from Brackey's 2D asset pack.
All Art was made by me.
Music Was obtained from Jonas Tyroller's Wowie Asset Pack.
Sound Effects, I made using SFXR.