Chef's Apprentice
Welcome to Chef's Apprentice! The aim of this game was to make a learning game through the power of Unity with a simple dialogue system. In the game you play as the apprentice to the town chef, who needs to find ingredients for his signature stew. In order to do that, you must fight monsters and collect "healing jams" if you get hurt. Feel free to try it out. :)
In the game, you walk with WASD, talk with E and swing the sword with Space.
The game uses the following assets:
- I made the characters by using “pixeldudesmaker” by the user 0x72. Link:
- The sword uses a sprite from the tileset “16x16 Dungeon Tileset” by the user 0x72. Link:
- The following two fonts have been used:
- Most texts use this
- Headers use this
- Vegetables use a combination of two asset packs, Free Pixel Food! and 100 FOOD ASSETS
- Signs use a sprite from LPC Sign Post
- Tilemaps have been painted with Tiny RPG Town and Tiny RPG Forest, both by Ansimuz
- The camera uses Cinemachine
- The walking sound is “sfx_step_grass_l” from Grass Foot Step Sounds (Yo Frankie!)
- The sounds “interface3” and “random2” from RPG Sound Pack is used for collecting objects
- The sounds “die-monster-1” and “hit-1” from Guttural Vocals is used when interacting with monsters
- The sound “swish_4” from Battle Sound Effects is used when swinging the sword
- The music can be found here
- I followed a tutorial that can be found here
I thank all creators of these assets for making them publically available.