Choice of the Viking

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Sail forth to a land of gods and giants! Wield your sword, words, and magic to take your place among Iceland’s chieftains and forge your legacy of honor in this story woven from Norse sagas, myths, and the lives of real tenth-century Icelanders.

Choice of the Viking is a 306,000 word interactive historical fantasy novel by Declan Taggart, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

In the year 910 CE, countless Viking ships cross the icy oceans of northern Europe, seeking fortune, glory, trade, and land. Yours is one of them, carrying settlers to the remote island of Iceland. With your large farm to tend and your followers to govern, this is your chance to build something new out of the rugged land.

There are challenges at every turn. The other would-be chieftains are just as hungry for glory as you, and you must defend your share of wealth and honor - especially from the aggrieved rival who constantly tries to thwart you. New faiths and old vie for the souls of the Icelanders, and for the political power that each religion can carry. The long dark winter bears down upon you, threatening hunger and disease. And you must contend not only with the human inhabitants of Iceland but with any number of mysterious creatures - elves, trolls, giants, walking corpses, and even the gods themselves!

Increase your wealth through raiding, careful tending of the land, or savvy merchant trading. Wield your magic to blast obstacles from your path and gain the spirits’ blessing. If you fail, the royal might of Norway will claim your land for their own—but if you succeed, you will find eternal glory.

  • Play as male, female, or nonbinary; gay, straight, bi, or aromantic
  • Attend the great assembly of the Althing and shape Iceland’s politics for generations to come.
  • Use the songs of the spirits to perform stunning feats of magic.
  • Dedicate your land to the Christian church or honor the old Norse gods.
  • Carve out your domain and lead your people to specialize in farming, trading, scholarship, or raiding.
  • Grapple with the threat of the walking dead - perhaps even your own father!
  • Walk with giants, negotiate with elves, and come face to face with mighty Thor!
  • Negotiate with your neighboring chieftains to win their friendship - or become embroiled in deadly feuds.
  • Rule your land as an autocrat, or guide Iceland towards democracy.
  • How will the sagas sing of your deeds?
Release date
Choice of Games
Choice of Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Ubuntu 12.4

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: 10.9

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
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Last Modified: Dec 16, 2022

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