Chopping Mayhem
Ever chopped down trees before? Well get used to it! Because you have to get rid of these endless amounts of trees appearing out of nowhere!
This game was made for a 3 hr game Friday Night Game Jam. The making of this game took me 2 hours and 59 minutes.
Tree types:
Green tree - Just a regular tree with nothing out the ordinary
Blue tree - Also known as the fast tree, passes by really fast!
Yellow tree - A really slow tree. Seems easy enough, but hard to take down!
Red-Orange tree - The only multi-color tree known for splitting after taking a couple hits. Be careful as this could cause trouble for you!
Left clicking on the trees as they fall will end up chopping them.
F - A nifty slowing down time power up that lasts only 10 seconds and has a cool down of 20 seconds
All of the programming, menu music, and art was done by me.
Unity Asset used:
Casual game SFX Pack - DUSTYROOM
Music used:
Music: “Follow Me”, from
Licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0