Chroma Defense
Chroma Defense is a game created for Mini Jam 62. The theme was "Colors" and the limitation was to use only two frames in any animation.
The game is a space shooter where you must match the color of your rays to the color of the missiles falling towards Earth.
LivesThe player has 3 ships available. If it runs out of ships the game is over.
The Earth can sustain damage from 4 missiles. More than that and the Earth is toast.
ControlsTo move LEFT or RIGHT use the arrow keys.
To switch your ray's color use the following keyboard keys:
Z - Red
X - Green
C - Blue
V - Rainbow Ray (see Power Ups below)
Pressing the button will automatically change the color and shoot.
Hitting a missile of a different color than your ray will have no effect on the missile, but you will lose points as explained below in the "Scores" section.
Power UpsRainbow Ray - will destroy a missile of ANY color. You will get only 5 shots.
ScoreDestroy missile, any color: 100 pts
Destroy missile with Rainbow Ray: 155 pts
Hit missile with wrong color: -55 pts (loses points)
WinningYou win the game when the Earth and you survive the last wave, right now #5.
Development ToolsGdevelop 5
CreditsImages & animations
Sounds & Music