Chronicles of the Alphabet

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The art of pre-rendered graphics for backgrounds in games while making use of Art Nouveau style (mostly common in late 90s and early 2000s RPGs) is something that always amazed me. It is easy to get myself lost while admiring backgrounds of the genre.

Today, this mere technique to overcome hardware limitations turned into a style choice, a style choice that has a certain charm into it (not as popular than pixel art however).

As a try to get the best of two worlds; Chronicles of the Alphabet is a JRPG that makes use of isometric pre-rendered backgrounds and side-by-side turn based battles with big colorful sprites. A homage to what can be called 32-bit style.

The Soreveign State of Cezar have one night to make the hugest step against a dangerous monster-dealer.

A group of supremacist inglenesians, working with the monster-dealer, is using the underground of a theater as cage for an Ice Dragon. They have just this night to get the beast out of there and deliver to the dealer's client.

The illuminati, extremists of contemporary illuminism, are becoming a big and well received group among popular opinion. A noble member, however, is convicted that this night was orchestrated by a superior entity.

An young writer is trying to make public his book of short stories.

13 minutes of early battle gameplay.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Oct 16, 2020

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