Chronowatch Battle Simulator
This is a prototype for how battles would be like in a game that I thought about creating. The premise of the game is that Neon, the main character, lives in a world where everyone moves significantly faster than he does. His parents left one day and never came back, and as he was looking around the storage area, he found a watch. This watch allowed him to manipulate time and he set off with the watch to go and try to find his parents.
In battle, Neon can use his watch to stop time and while time is stopped, he can attack others as well as use certain abilities like speeding up parts his body or slowing down parts of the enemies. Right before an enemy is about to move, a marker is shown. If the player stops time before the enemy moves and the marker is shown, and if the player hits the enemy during this time, then the enemy's turn will be moved back a bit. Combat is centered around attacking parts of the enemies' body. Destroying an enemy's arms will decrease their attack, while destroying their legs will decrease their speed. If an enemy's head or body is destroyed, then that enemy dies. When there are no body parts destroyed, the enemy's body takes reduced damage and attacking the enemy's head has a high chance of missing. As more body parts are destroyed, this damage reduction and dodge rate is reduced. All of this also applies to the player as well.
The player can customize how many enemies they want to face, up to 3, and what each type of enemy is. In battle, the player can press 'P' to bring up the menu again to change up the enemies.