Chrysopoeia (UI fix)
Game made by Riymak and Ghostsilver .
Scroll down for instructions!In this game your main goal is to survive as long as you can, by tactically building and destroying machines which give you different resources.
There are 3 types of machines: stone miner, iron miner and mineral miner. Each produces a resource. The machines glow according to their type. The iron miner is blue, the stone miner is yellow and the mineral miner is red.
In addition to stone, iron and minerals there is also energy, which the machines use in order to function. The only way to generate energy is to destroy machines. Which means the machines feed off their own kind.
There is also a bigger central serpent headed machine that can not be destroyed. It consumes a small amount of fuel at the beginning, but as the game goes on it uses up more and more fuel.
The game is over once all of the fuel has been consumed.
How to play:
The goal of the game is survive as long as you can, by keeping the energy level above 0. If the energy level reaches 0, the game is over. Energy is consumed by both the main machine, that can't be destroyed and different miners(stone, iron and mineral) which you can build and destroy. Destroying machines is also the only way to generate energy.
Things to keep in mind: * The main machine consumes a very little amount of energy at first, but It'll start to consume more and more energy as the time goes on.
* Even though You can destroy a machine right after building it to gain some energy, you should still wait a little as the machine becomes more and more energy dense as the time goes by (the function to calculate the energy value is an "s-curve function").
* The maximum energy value a machine can have is 30 which is reached at about 30 second mark.
* All the miners generate the resource of their type at the rate of 1 per second.
If the instructions are not very clear or you have questions of any kind, let me know.
Assetes used:
Soundeffects: Music: Fonts: