Average Playtime: 1 hour

Cinemaware Anthology: 1986-1991

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Cinemaware's Anthology of classic games gives you a fascinating collection of some of the highest-regarded, most successful games from legendary game developer Cinemaware! Relive that awesome, golden-era of videogames-feeling: rescue a princess in medieval England, become the boss of Chicago's Mafia, wipe out terrorizing killer-ants or fight against enemy invaders with your jetpack and raygun in the 1940s!

Choose to play the original Amiga version or the PC MS-DOS version (where available). All games will run on Windows 7 and Windows 8.

The "Cinemaware nthology: 1986-1991" includes the following titles:

  • Defender of the Crown
  • SDI
  • The King of Chicago
  • Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon
  • Lords of the Rising Sun
  • Rocket Ranger*
  • It Came From the Desert
  • It Came From the Desert II: Antheads
  • Wings!
  • TV Sports: Football
  • TV Sports: Basketball
  • TV Sports: Baseball
  • TV Sports: Boxing

*German version only available for purchases made in Germany
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • Processor: 2 GHz Intel Dual Core processor
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 9 hardware compatible
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 50 MB available space
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Last Modified: Sep 29, 2022

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Cinemaware Anthology: 1986-1991 reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Ich liebe die Retro Spiele sehr und ich habe noch einen AMIGA, aber dieses Anthology funktioniert nicht wie es sein soll. Wenn ich Rocket Ranger spielen möchte erkennt er den Joystick Thrustmaster "TOP GUN II" nicht von alleine, muss eingestellt werden. Die Kalibrierung funktioniert nicht korrekt. Es erkennt nur rauf und runter aber links rechts nicht. Auch das Klicken der Maus erkennt es nicht damit er weiter laded. Um die Spiele neu zu starten muss man raus in Haupmenü durch die F12 Taste und das spiel auf Restart stellen. Lächerlich! I love the retro games because I still have AMIGA but this game Anthology does not work properly at Rocket Ranger as example. I have a Thrustmaster Josystick "TOP-GUNII" and the games settings does not recognize it, you have to set it and calibrate it. When I do this I only can calibrate up and down but it does not recognize left and right! - This Settings control does not work properly. Also it does not recognize in this Rocket Ranger game when I click of the mouse to go on. It works horrible. To restart the game you have always to exit with F12 the game and set restart the game. Ridiculous!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Cinemaware Anthology I bought the Anthology as I did as a Child, Of course, I played Games like: Defender of the Crown, Wings, It came from the Desert, etc. (However, a few Games in this Pack have also passed me without a trace). The Nostalgia value here is extremely high because it's really easy (and so far without Crashes) to start and play the Games. Good is also that there are 2 Versions here, namely the PC and the Amiga Version. From my Experience (especially as far as the soundto music is concerned), I would prefer the Amiga Versions. As we have read here, not all Joysticks are obviously supported, which I have not noticed so far with my Joystick (Thrustmaster T16000). Personally, I consider this Collection to be a cheap €9.99per for an absolute Buy recommendation. Especially for People who have loved these Games, it should be an absolute Mandatory Purchase. For People who have never heard of it (the slightly younger Generation). I would not necessarily make a Recommendation. Unless you have the (admittedly) cheap €10 over, and want to take a look at what your Parents (or big Siblings) used to have pulled up;) ~ S ~
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
When I discovered this Game Collection, I thought was a Dream. Finally, you can play the classic Amiga Hits from Cinemaware on PC. Most Games Support the XBOX360 Controller or USB joystick. I play it with Speedlink's Competition Pro for nostalgic Reasons. This is the only way to create the right retro feeling. However, I have to admit that the Cinemaware games (apart from Wings and TV Sports Titles) are playfully very limited. What used to be Marveled at the Amiga due to the excellent Graphics and film-ready presentation can no longer console today across the mauled Gameplay (a Collection of repetitive Mini-games). At least not if you didn't play the Games earlier. Therefore, you have to forgive a thick nostalgia bonus and put on the pink-red fan glasses to make a Recommendation to this Game Collection. However, as I consider the 16-Bit era to be the best ever, I get my Money's worth. Especially the Title Wings is one of my absolute Favorites for me! Anyone who has never had a Game of Cinemaware in the Drive should leave your Fingers off this Anthology or buy the Reissue of Wings. Because its Dogfights still make you feel Good today!
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