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CivCity: Rome

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CivCity: Rome, an innovative city builder inspired by the world of Sid Meiers Civilization, and created by a collaboration between Firefly Studios and Firaxis Games, invites players to shift focus from building a multi-city empire and zoom-in on the great cities of the Roman Empire, culminating in Rome itself! Through dozens of missions, each offering an array of interesting decisions, players will be charged with building, nurturing and managing one of these great cities as they endeavour to lead the Roman Empire from its humble beginnings to its mighty apogee. Features players have enjoyed in the Civilization series, like research, city happiness, production and culture, can now be managed actively in the wonderfully immersive world of CivCity: Rome.
  • Look inside the buildings - For the first time in a city builder you can look inside the Villas, the forums, and even the Roman baths! Discover, in much greater detail, how Romans went about their daily lives.
  • Civilize your city - More than 70 technologies can be developed over time to give your city a strategic advantage. Use the rich research tree to improve many aspects of your city and its relation to the wider empire.
  • Follow the life of a Roman family - Do they thrive and prosper from humble hut to noble palace as they move through the generations or not? Well, thats your call!
  • Ease of play - Driven purely by building placement and strong visual feedback, the game lets you create your own living community simply by choosing and placing the wide variety of buildings.
  • Real Romans - An intriguing array of characters will interact with you
Release date
FireFly Studios
2K Games
Age rating
13+ Teen

System requirements for PC

Minimum: Windows 2000/XP (Windows 7 is not supported), 1.6 GHz processor, 512 MB RAM, 2.5 GB uncompressed space, 64 MB video card (with Hardware T&L, nVidia GeForce 3/ATI Radeon 8500 or better), DirectX 7 compatible sound card, DirectX Version 9.0c
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Last Modified: Jan 4, 2025

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1 edit
CivCity Rome - Making a Good City Walkthrough Part 1 [HQ]
Jul 26, 2009
CivCity: Rome Official Trailer HD
Oct 20, 2008
Civ City Rome - Episode 2 (War)
Oct 1, 2013
Civ City Rome - Episode 1 (Peaceful)
Sep 23, 2013
CivCity Rome - Making a Good City Walkthrough Part 2 [HQ]
Jul 26, 2009
CivCity : Rome - In-Game Intro - German (Deutsch)
Sep 18, 2008
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#100DaysofGaming 2018 Day 45 - CivCity: Rome
Thursday Chilling: 'CivCity Rome' - One of my all time favourites. Oldie but a goodie! !game !prime !discord !kofi
Thursday Chilling: 'CivCity Rome' - One of my all time favourites. Oldie but a goody! !civcity !prime !discord !kofi
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CivCity: Rome reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
I only have played this game on Steam for a few hours, because I only used the disc-version of this game, which provides a German translation (as I am German and like my games translated). But I can highly recommend this game. It's a bit like Anno set in Rome with a few differences, you can compare it also a lot to "Imperium Romanum", but it is not nearly as bad. You have to build a city and keep it running, watch the production of your goods and the distribution among your citizens. Especially the residents are upgradable like in Anno, which makes your city more organic. Since this game is pretty old, it looks old. But the gameplay is nice and lets you choose between the building/economic way and the military way. I haven't played the latter, though. Uncommon is that this game is somekind of an educational software and primarily aimed for kids, which results in a more or less easy gameplay. The historical context of nearly everything of the ancient Rome is explained, how people lived, what the wore, how Roman entertainment looked like and stuff like that. Give this game a chance, it is really not bad and has a lot of charme. And it is imo way better than Imperium Romanum and its successor.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
CivCity: Rome is an Arduous cycling Game in the Tradition of the Caesar series, For which Firaxis (Civilization series) and Firefly (Stronghold series) worked together. In the Game we build Settlements in the Time of the Roman Empire, in doing so we have to keep an eye on both the Economy, the revenues of the City Treasury and the Satisfaction of the Inhabitants. Graphically, the Game is already quite dusted, which in my Opinion is also in the 3D Engine, which was similar To Caesar IV (released in the same Year) simply a clear break to the really beautiful Look of the Caesar III series and many Players at that time " Discouraged. "" Because if we already use Hours to lead a City to Fame, Shine and full Coffers, then the City should also look good. Some Buildings are also really quite nicely made, but then they somehow make a clear Difference to the general Look of the Maps (Eg the Rock Textures) and seem almost like Foreign Bodies. The "Unfolding" of the Residential buildings in order to observe the Development of the Townspeople more closely is beautiful. The Game system reminds me OF Caesar II rather than Caesar III, Which brings certain advantages and Disadvantages, for example, as in C3, we do not have to pay attention to the Finding of the Supply "Passants" but to the zones of influence of Assorted gun Buildings. Unfortunately, the Strategic Dimension (E.g. Trade, War, Diplomacy, etc.) of the World Map has come a long way. What particularly bothers me are the ones we think are building far too small Maps on which we are supposed to, especially because a number of Buildings are enormously large and consume a lot of Space. Overall, not a bad Game, stable and average, but not outstanding. It's a real shame when you think about which Companies have worked together. For Fans of the Genre, just at the Price now worth a Look, but in my Eyes Caesar III and his three Siblings (Pharaoh, Zeus and First Emperor) remain unsurpassed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLiKQ0LoTzU
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