Clam Man Demo

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Clam Man is a game about the Clam Man. He was originally called just Clam Man, but then we started calling him THE Clam Man like he was Batman or something. He isn't. I love when they refer to Batman as THE Batman by the way. Sounds way cooler.

Anyway, this is a game about THE Clam Man. He recently got promoted, now working as a junior sales representative at Snacky Bay Prime Mayonnaise. Snacky Bay is the town where the Clam Man lives. That's just a bit of lore for you. It's called worldbuilding, ever heard of it, ya dingus? Haha just kidding. You're a cool dude for checking out this game. You're no dingus.

Anyway, this day is going to turn out like no other for the Clam Man. You got to believe me on this, my friends. Things are going to go DOWN. Just play the demo and you'll see what I mean. It's nuts.

* * *

NOTES: Playing in the browser window may obscure the inventory drawer in the top of the screen. Go full screen to get a better view!

Clam Man is an upcoming comedy adventure game from Team Clam, inspired by the point-and-clicks of old, with an emphasis on comedy rather than puzzles. The demo you can play here is an early chunk of the game, and basically the prologue to the full game currently in development. We're about halfway done!  We're a small, three-person team, currently looking for a publisher willing to take us under their wing for funding and jolly co-operation. Anyway, hope you enjoy the game! And please, feel free to let us know what you think of it!

//Team Clam

Follow us on twitter @Clam_Team

P.S. It's a demo, so we're not exactly expecting donations. However, if you still feel like supporting the game while still in development, it's greatly appreciated! Let us know if you donated so we can contact you!

Release date
Team Clam
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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