Climate Crisis (Wilko&Co)

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In Climate Crisis your goal is to get the highest score possible before your planet inevitably dies. Your score is comprised of the number of in game hours that have passed as well as the money that you have made.

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How To Play

Open the shop up (found in the bottom left corner) to start buying buildings and placing them onto your planet. (Hold down shift when placing buildings to place multiple).

RMB or Middle mouse to rotate Mini-Earth.

Press M to return to the main menu - ! This will insta-kill your planet !

Press the trash can to switch to delete mode.

Press the fast forward button to travel through time faster.


In Climate Crisis there are four resources needed to keep your planet spinning:

  • Pollution
  • Population
  • Power
  • Money

Pollution is created by most of the buildings that you place, apart from the green energy generators. As your pollution rises bad things are going to happen to your planet. World events such as; pandemics or geostorms might occur destroying your progress.


Your mini-planet starts with a population of 10,000 and every time a world event occurs and you don't have the needed emergency service buildings you'll lose some of your population.


Power is created by generators (found in the first tab in the shop) and is needed by all other buildings to work. Your power bar shows the net power you are making, negative or positive. Note that solar panels only work in sunshine and they work best at the equator.


Creating money is essential to grow your factory. Money is created by taxing your population and generating it in the mines (found in the third tab of the shop). You can increase the taxes that your population pays.

World Events

World events occur periodically and they will inhibit your ability to grow. The more pollution and the less happy your population is, the worse the events will become. There are three types of world events and the damage caused by them is mitigated by the corresponding emergency service buildings:

  1. Civil - Mitigated by police stations
  2. Natural disasters - Mitigated by fire stations
  3. Medical emergencies - Mitigated by hospitals
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Apr 8, 2022

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