Clockwork Combat
Enter a miniature world where skirmishes abound.
- Create your clockwork machine of minor destruction.
- Choose up to 5 modules to customize your jeweled mecha.
- Push your opponents using your modules' physics.
- Up to 4 player local-multiplayer (or play online with Parsec!)
- May accept infinite number of player (experimental feature)
- Allow your Twitch viewers to activate traps with chat commands.
Team Members:
- Mitch Fournier - 3D Art
- Samuel Taillon - Concept Art & UI
- Kim Desrosiers - Music & Sound
- François Dessureault - Boring things
- Maxime Boudreault - Gameplay Programmer
- Gabriel Le Breton - Tool Programmer
- Jean-David Moisan - Twitch Implementation
- Hubert Marceau - Support