Cloney reviews

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
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Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Do not look, that "Cloney" looks banal and slightly childish. Behind it, seemingly simple game, hides a very serious religious subtext. The Developers threw the challenge to all "Milunov and Mizulin" and created a project that introduces us to the pernicious action of the Seven deadly sins. Don't you believe me? Then See for yourself: Gluttony. Take a look at the protagonist-his whole problem is just in excess of weight. If he Were a regular pulled dragon, the problems of flying branches were much less. Covetousness. The Goal of the game is to collect coins. And the developers like to say: In pursuit of wealth, we still die. And with such a foolish expression of the face, as if we knew that Satan had broken us. Anger. Then on our face is manifested mortal sin-anger. However, more often he appears when our fat Dragon clings to the Piskel leaf and still dies. But that's not the point. Disheartened. And when we realize, after thousands of such deaths, that nothing is done, we fall into despondency. We Look through the cracks of the broken screen and fall into despondency. Vanity and pride. But After some time comes the moment when you can score coins twenty. Then you will understand that all of you on the shoulder and you are ready to take the barrier in the "Forty Silver". Be Afraid of this moment, for your shoulders are already Vanity and Pride. Christians can read "Our Father" three times and they will release them, and ordinary players are to suffer. For "Now I will fly these two branches on easy" and subsequent fiasco would appear more often. Envy. After all the unsuccessful attempts you open the steam again and see that there are a lot of players who have completed all the Achivki. And then she appears-Envy. Here it is necessary to read "Our Father" five times, or to lose in itself Christ forever. Adultery. That'S it, I guess. But you ask, "What about another sin of adultery?" I'll answer: one of the Achivok is to touch your dragon with the mouse cursor. So, "Know Yahoo". In General, the children of the Orthodox, uncover the tablets "Radnezh" and poke fingers on the "installation". This game will teach you either the humility of Jesus or open your soul to the fiery hyena of hell. The Battle will take place here.