Cloudfishing (Birdwards)
How to play:
- Fish will jump out of the clouds. Click and drag them to the machine on the right to sell them for gold.
- Pink fish are worth 5 gold, green fish are worth 15 gold, and golden fish are worth 25 gold.
- Click on the "Upgrades" button at the bottom to bring up a menu that allows you to buy and sell upgrades. Click the "Upgrades" button again to close the menu.
- You can assign workers to one of two jobs: fishing or selling fish. To assign a worker to fishing, drag it to the pier on the left. To assign a worker to selling fish, drag it to the machine on the right. Workers can be dragged from one job to another at any time. Workers that do not currently have a job will stand in the middle, on the grass.
- When a worker on the pier catches a fish, it is stored in the cooler (represented by the fish count at top-left). Workers at the machine will only sell fish from the cooler; if there are no fish in the cooler, the workers at the machine will not sell anything. Each worker at the machine sells one fish every 2 seconds.
- The workers don't have any animations for doing their jobs because I ran out of time. For now, they just kinda stand there, but rest assured; they're working.
- At the start of the game, there are 10,000 fish living in the clouds. At the end of each year (two minutes in real time), you will get a count of how many fish are left - some new fish will hatch, too. If the clouds run out of fish, the game is over!
- This was intended to be a multiplayer game about competing fishermen leading to a tragedy of the commons-type scenario. The tension would come from trying to fish more than your opponents without fishing so much that you accidentally render the cloudfish extinct. Of course, I ran out of time to implement multiplayer stuff. So, if the player's goal is to sustain their business and the fish population in the long term, the optimal strategy is just to never buy upgrades and keep fishing by hand... but that's no fun. So, for now, I guess treat the game the opposite way- try to cause the cloudfish's extinction, and see how fast you can do it! Yay ecological destruction?
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Mar 7, 2022
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