Clouds & Sheep 2 reviews

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Clouds & Sheep 2-bright and colorful casual game from the developers of HandyGames. This part is the second one on the account, but the first one on the PC. Simulator life sheep to creepy resembles Tamagotchi (not so difficult of course, and you can always leave the game without risking the lives of pets): Animals need care, nutrition, care and of course entertainment. But not everything is as easy as it seems at first sight! So We have four locations: a farm, a winter rock, a skeleton of treasures and a prairie. We Start of course from the farm, where we go through a little training on the management and care of sheep. The learning Process is performed by the means of performing tasks (in the form of balls that burst after execution), they also in consequence help us to collect level points (their total of 30). The level depends on our ability to care and entertain pets: new locations, scenery, elements of appearance and much more are opened. Practically all actions depend on quantity in a warehouse of 4 "monetary units": Stars of Happiness (are given when lambs are happy), tubers of a wool (replenish after a haircut), a tree (it is possible to collect only having planted a tree or a bush) and petals. All This you accumulate and spend on care, improvement and expansion of pastures. Yes, it sounds a little confusing, but in fact more than elementary, 5 minutes of training and everything is in place. About such knowledge begins gameplay. Then everything is simple: feed, strizhete, perform secret desires, support the fire, bring together lovers, etc. Just have to manage the weather and a little "shammanite" with Clouds to rain (and always had grass and water) or scattered thunderstorm. Here we have learned the basic skills, and understand in the gameplay, but do not hurry! The wider the pasture, the more goals in the herd may be, but at first with a large number (more than 3) simply can not cope. In addition, starting from the location of "treasure Island" appears unobtrusive storyline (which will require additional waste of warehouse units) and you together with the pets diversify their everyday leisure searching for the legendary fountain of youth. The Game is not just called Sheep and Clouds, because these cute creatures appear from the clouds and "go" there, if you do not follow them. The Graphical component is pleasant and can not but please the eye: colorful, cute, cartoon. Beautiful animation and funny voice. The Only thing that made you tense in the process of the game, is that often sheep are difficult to get to interact with each other. THE IDEA ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ DESIGN ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ GRAPHICS ★ ★ ★. ACCOMPANIMENT ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ DIFFICULTY ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ TOTAL ★ ★ ★ ☆ IN General, Clouds & Sheep 2 is a very positive, kind and relaxing game. Suitable for the whole family as a whole, and for everyone individually. I Find pluses a fixed number of levels and the existence of a storyline. All This makes the gameplay fascinating and addictive. In addition, it is very not demanding, and will go on any PC. More Reviews in our curator group: Dreams of Genesis Also Join our VK group, where we hold straights and all sorts of contests []