Coffee Date (EndmarkGames)
Just a totally normal date. Relax. Be yourself. I'm sure they'll love you.
There are 5 total endings. 1 if you succeed, and 4 variations on failure.
Hold Shift and press R | Restart Game
Spacebar and Mouse | Everything Else
Made for GDKO, a game jam tournament hosted by Xanderwood.
Round 2 Task: Tell A Story Using Sound
CREDITS - All art, code and concept by MF of Endmark Games. - Some fonts and audio from Kenney. - Thaleah Fat font used in game (from Tiny Worlds on - Audio courtesy of friends, family and the Voice Memos app on iPhone! Many audio assets also from Envato Elements.
Special Thanks to my wife, AirBear, for supporting me during round two!
Huge thanks to Xanderwood for hosting. Grateful for the inspiration and education from folks like Shaun Spalding, Benjamin Anderson, Aaron Craig, Slynyrd, Pixel Pete, AdamCYounis, Vimlark, Jonas Tyroller, DevDuck, Brandon James Greer, and the GameMaker Community.