CoKorico is a stealth video game which has a dark atmosphere but also a cartoon style with a funny touch.
The video game has been created by a group of four students from the 'Design and Production of Video Games' degree at TecnoCampus university (Barcelona, Spain), who made the project in a period of 10 weeks.
During a storm, the main character’s farm is set on fire and all of his animals shelter themselves in a haunted house. He leaves in search of them and finds out that his animals have become monsters. Each and every one of them, except for the chickens. So, the farmer decides to rescue all the chickens he finds inside the house, avoiding the different mutated animals.
The player’s main goal is to go through each floor of the house rescuing the chickens and avoiding being seen by the other animals.
Development team (Twitter accounts):
Teodora Dobre @teodora_dobre
Marc Fernández @mork978
Raúl García @raulgarcialcazr
Andrea Pérez @andrea_prezp