Color Trip
Our Motto: Leaning by dyeing.
Color Trip is a hard, colorful platformer where you can adapt yourself to the environment by toggling different colors on and off.
- Crisp Controls - All that your platformer-loving heart desires. Supporting Keyboard, Xbox 360, Xbox One and Switch Controllers on both Windows and macOS.
- Jump, Dash and Climb your way to victory - huge movement set allows you to set you apart from the noobs (or be one yourself, we don't judge).
- Fancy Level Design - Featuring whopping 10 awesome levels for you to fail on.
- Simple Artstyle - Boxy beautifulness with your favorite REKTangle (We can't draw so you don't have to bother looking at our terrible assets)
- Zero Gravity - floaty fun (into spikes)
- Moving Platforms - Taking the elevator to victory (or fall down further)
- No In-App Purchases, Lootboxes or Season Pass (because f*** that business model)
Move - A and D or arrow keys/Left Control Stick
Jump - Spacebar/A on Controller
Dash - Shift/Y on Controller + direction
Toggle left color - Hold LMB/Hold Left Trigger
Toggle right color - Hold RMB/Hold Right Trigger
Team (in alphabetical order):
- Herold "Herry" Manuel
- Laubreiter "Laubi "David
- Lercher "Tunnel" Alexander
- Tscheinig "Triggered" Andreas
- Waysocher "Merge Conflict" Peter
- Wedenig "Wede" Christoph